The Harmony Project 2.0

Like arts and culture and business in North America, church music has undergone a rapid rate of change in the last 50 years
Polyphony Music Resources aims to nurture church musicians in their ministry and in their well-being so they thrive wherever God calls them. The Harmony Project is a research initiative designed to help fulfill that mission. Its first iteration consisted of interviews with 25 church musicians.
Building upon that foundation, The Harmony Project 2.0 gathered qualitative data from interviews with 75 additional church musicians in order to understand what they need to thrive and how their communities can best support them.

Sit down with The Harmony Project 2.0 co-author Ann Bell Worley as she offers reflections on the Harmony Project report.

The Harmony Project 2.0
Read the full report detailing the research methods, interview questions, findings, and more.
Read the abridged report, a summary of findings from the research of the Harmony Project.