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“Next to the word of God, music deserves the highest praise.” - Martin Luther
Why give to Polyphony Music Resources?
You might choose to give because through the music you experience at church you worship God and connect with others in a meaningful and transformative way.
You might give because you value a church musician who deserves the support of a community that cares about her flourishing.
Or you may give because you understand the importance of encouraging innovation in the art and craft of church music.
Whatever your reason for giving—for yourself, for a church musician you appreciate, or for the art of church music, we give thanks for you.
Polyphony Music Resources, Inc. is classified as a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.
All contributions to Polyphony Music Resources are tax-deductible. EIN 87-1148913
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